SharePoint 2010 Keynotes

October 23, 2009

Short honk: If you hate Vegas, you did not go to the SharePoint shin dig. If you need to know what Microsoft said at the SharePoint shin dig, then you have to watch the videos. I would prefer to have a PowerPoint deck and a transcript, but I am a very old addled goose. The world of MSFT is ruled by those who go down the video trail. You can while away a few hours by navigating to Arpan Shah’s Web log and reading “SharePoint Conference Keynotes.” Enjoy. Learn. Think about the consulting revenue you can generate getting this collection of six servers and their many features, functions, and services. Even my goslings are excited.

Stephen Arnold, October 23, 2009

Not even a crust of bread for this write up.


One Response to “SharePoint 2010 Keynotes”

  1. ATH Business Travel Solutions. Russian leading corporate travel agency | Travel Tips on October 23rd, 2009 3:47 am

    […] SharePoint 2010 Keynotes ( […]

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