MySpace: Keep Moving or Fall Behind

October 24, 2009

I don’t pay much attention to When I looked at the service years ago, I was amazed with the graphics and weird interface. The fact that some demographic segments found the service useful made me happy that I was old. I thought I should pay attention to “MySpace Stopped Innovating Says News Corp.’s Jonathan Miller”. The write up promised a flash of insight about the dog eat dog world of social network services. For me the most significant statement in the write up was:

Miller [a MySpace executive] said, “Everybody in the company is upset that we didn’t keep going when we had the real momentum. Regaining momentum is always much harder than keeping momentum going.”

Has News Corp. learned a lesson after school was closed for summer vacation? The changes in any online service must be meaningful. In my experience the changes must increase a service’s magnetism. No change or the incorrect change repels users. My view is that may have its magnetic poles flipped.

Stephen Arnold, October 24, 2009


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