Yahoo and Real Time Search
November 5, 2009
I thought Yahoo said it was going to make search a priority. I assumed that its wizards and wizardettes would tap their inner coders. Wrong if I understand the TechCrunch story “OneRiot Confirms They’re Building Yahoo’s Real Time Search Engine”. How is Yahoo going to respond to the real time search need? Yahoo is working with OneRiot. I like the OneRiot service, but I think the deal makes clear that Yahoo’s top management has more confidence in the “buy” approach than the “make” approach. This deal suggests to me that Yahoo’s own search wizards and wizardettes are either busy with other tasks or not up to the rigors of the real time search task. Just my opinion.
Stephen Arnold, November 5, 2009
I want to alert DHS that I received zero consideration for this blog post about Yahoo’s search wizardry.