Google Developer Video Now Available

November 9, 2009

The third video of the six-video series called “How to Make Money with Google” premiered today at This video, released by Arnold Information Technology,, focuses on developing program interfaces using Google resources and leveraging those applications for business use.

The purpose of this short video series–watching all six videos takes about 30 minutes–is to give clear, factual information on four specific ways an enterprising individual, a services company, or a diversified company can use the Google platform to produce revenue while meeting the needs of their customers and prospects. The videos are available for personal and educational use with no fee.

This newest video highlights how using and developing Google APIs–application programming interfaces–can be a big money-maker for your online business. It also describes Google’s certification program which is beginning to take shape. Arnold characterizes how a third party developer can put technical skills to use to build a large business around Google.

Keep in mind that Google is a moving target. The company is evolving and changing policies and procedures very rapidly,” Stephen E. Arnold, president of Arnold Information Technology, said. Arnold has published three Google monographs and these videos are based on the information compiled for The Google Legacy, Google Version 2.0, and Google: The Digital Gutenberg. The monographs are available from Infonortics Ltd., in Tetbury, Glos., at

Other videos include an overview of money-making opportunities, including why the Google opportunity is similar to the opportunity Microsoft created with its MS DOS software in the early 1980s; using Google’s AdSense advertising module; search engine optimization consulting and services; the Google partner and reseller program; and a video titled “Google Creates Opportunity,” which emphasizes the opportunity to grow with Google as the company strives for $100 billion in revenue.

“I wanted to provide some basic, factual information about what I see as the Google revenue opportunity. Information about Google is everywhere, but the upside of Google as an opportunity is not widely known,” Arnold said. “The increase in ‘get rich quick’ with Google e-mails I was receiving convinced me that a more measured discussion of the opportunities was needed. I will make these videos available without charge in the hopes that the Google revenue opportunities get broader dissemination.”

The series will be posted at Videos will be released on a seven- to 10-day cycle from today to Nov. 20. has no relationship with Google. The information presented in the video represents the views and findings of’s analyses of Google. The videos were directed by Chris Forrester, Perceality Productions, at The samba music is courtesy For information about other uses of the videos, contact at seaky2000 [at] yahoo dot com

The company’s Web site is, and the Beyond Search blog is at

Jessica Bratcher, November 9, 2009

Jessica was paid to write this marketing write up. Yep, filthy lucre.


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