Are Google Users Ready to Step Up to Fusion Tables? Nah.

December 16, 2009

WolframAlpha and Google have a tiny challenge. Both firms’ rocket scientists and algorithm wranglers understand the importance of herding data. Take this simple test. Navigate first to WolframAlpha and enter a word pair. Try UK population. Now navigate to Google’s public facing Fusion table demo here. What did you get? How did it work? Do you know why the systems responded as they did? How do you improve your query?

My hunch is that few readers of this Web log can answer these questions? Agree? Disagree? Well, I am not running an academic class, so if you flunked, that’s okay with me. I think most people will flunk, including some of the lesser lights at the Google and at WolframAlpha.

Against this background, the Google rolled out an API for Fusion tables. You can get the Googley story in the write up “Google Fusion Tables API.” My view is that Google’s moves in structured data are quite important, generally unknown, and essentially incomprehensible to those who suffered through high school algebra.

My opinion is that this API will result in some applications that will make Google’s significant commitment and investment in structured data more understandable. If you are ahead of the curve, the Google is on the march. If you have no clue what this post means, maybe you should think about changing careers. Wal+Mart greeter is somewhat less challenging that the intricacies of Google’s context server technology.

Stephen E. Arnold, December 16, 2009

Okay, I rode by Google’s DC headquarters. No one waved. No one paid me. I suppose I report this fact to the manger of the Union Station taxi dispatchers. Nah, those folks don’t care that this is a freebie either.


One Response to “Are Google Users Ready to Step Up to Fusion Tables? Nah.”

  1. TJGodel on December 31st, 2009 11:09 am

    I’ve been user of Google Fusion Table from the very early versions. it’s stunning the progress that Google has made and now they have an API. Yes Google is on the march.

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