SharePoint Sunday and Its Holiday Sparkles

December 21, 2009

If you read this Web log, you know that on Sunday I catch up with the tips and tricks the goslings and I have explored when we explore the n-dimensional fractal world of SharePoint. Image source:


First, you will want to navigate to SharePoint Automation. “Creating a SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Search Service Application using PowerShell” provides information about:

the most difficult PowerShell task you’ll undertake when scripting your SharePoint 2010 install, specifically the search application is the most difficult which is why I’ve chosen to explain it first as I expect it to be one of the most needed and one of the least understood.

You will want to snag both the explanation and the code snippets. Otherwise, you will be a busy beaver getting the default search system to work without quite a bit of manual fiddling. Useful post.

Second, read “Adding Search Refinements in SharePoint 2010.” The defaults for the baked in search in SharePoint 2010 is guaranteed in my opinion to lead to Yellow Sticky Note-itis. A very expensive disease that can consume an employee’s energy. Although brief, the screen shots and the comments will save you lots of time.

Third, organizations may have file types unknown to the SharePoint 2010 filters. If you have file types that end up in the exception bin or that kill SharePoint 2010 content processing outright, you will want to read “ SharePoint Full Text Crawl of Custom File Types.” There is quite a bit of confusion about connectors. Even when you think you have a stable connector, an errant bit can generate an instant migraine. The connector vendor will look into the problem and deliver a fix in most cases. The problem is that your migraine persists until the connector behaves. This write up explains a connector problem and then points to fix in “Adventures in SPWonderland”. This is not a full solution, but it will get you in gear.

These examples make clear the simplicity and engineering attention to detail in SharePoint 2010. Imagine what the Microsoft Fast enterprise search solution will deliver. Google must be shaking in its pointy little boots, the ones with the silver bells on them.


2 Responses to “SharePoint Sunday and Its Holiday Sparkles”

  1. Andy W on December 21st, 2009 4:17 pm

    Thanks for all these awesome resources! We’d love it if you shared more at

    MSFT Office Outreach

  2. Stephen E. Arnold on December 21st, 2009 7:54 pm


    Link baiting. My post is poking fun at the complexity and loose ends that characterize SharePoint. Read the post again.

    Stephen E. Arnold, December 21, 2009

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