SQL Server Trends for 2010

December 24, 2009

You love SQL Server. You want to know what your significant other will offer next year. To learn, read “Staying Abreast of SQL Server Database Trends in 2010.” Two trends are easy to identify: cloud services and virtualization. The third trend surprised me. Here’s the passage that caught my attention:

The security game changer for Slavik is the variety of new tools, courtesy of the hackers, that enable automated random attacks on data. “Getting from a vulnerability to an exploit is going to be very easy for hackers, especially when you talk about databases and patching. Once a vendor releases a patch we might see worms that immediately try to exploit the patched vulnerability. Hackers know that enterprises out there just don’t patch as quickly as they should.”

Once again the customer shoulders the burden of code that is like catnip to kittens. In my opinion, the vendor has to do a better job.

Stephen E. Arnold, December 24, 2009

A freebie. Think of it as a present under the national Christmas tree in Washington, DC. I suppose something free is not news to the White House person responsible for decorations. I will tell that person any way.


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