Futurist Predicts the End of Writing

February 1, 2010

You have to read “Could Written Language Be Rendered Obsolete?” and the source article “Could Written Language Be Rendered Obsolete, and What Should We Demand In Return?” Kids in Kentucky no longer learn to write cursive. That means that kids may not be able to read notes handwritten. The death of written language is a bold thought. I think it is baloney. Make you own decision, but it may be tough to search content generating text from SMS, videos, and email systems that nuked themselves. Is Google worried? Probably not too much. Am I worried? No, I don’t care.

Stephen E Arnold, February 1, 2010

A freebie. I will report this to the Railway Retirement Board.


One Response to “Futurist Predicts the End of Writing”

  1. traintalk on February 1st, 2010 8:02 am

    so do you think there will be a google personal appliance that will hook up with our internal net and index it and find answers before we do

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