Quote to Note: Yahoo Search Speak

February 15, 2010

Yahoo is an enigma. One day it is embracing Bing, the next it is back in the search game. I find Yahoo a distant fifth when I run my queries. In fact, I have popped the little-known metasearch system Devilfinder.com ahead of Yahoo. I wanted to document a quote to note from Shashi Seth, senior vice president of search products, Yahoo. The quote is from a press conference held in February 2010 with a summary posted on February 12, 2010 in the write up “Highlights from Yahoo Search Speak”. The quote:

“Yahoo! has been in search, is in search, and will continue to be in search in the future,” Shashi said at SearchSpeak. “That is the stake we have put in the ground and we will continue to drive great features.”

Mr. Seth joined Yahoo from AOL, an outfit attracting Googlers. At AOL he was the officer in charge of Global Ad Products, which from the goose’s vantage point, is not search. Ads are one facet of search. HIs LinkedIn profile points out that he was the chief revenue officer at Cooliris and was the head of monetizaton at YouTube.com and was the product lead for Google search from May 2005 to January 2007. Prior to joining Google, he was in charge of product strategy at eBay.

Selling ads is not search to me. Selling ads is part of sales. I will stick with search in the archaic sense; that is, finding information that answers my questions which only sometimes involves purchasing a product or service. Too bad there was a power failure so that the entire Search Speak event was not captured on video. Ah, Yahooooooo!

Stephen E Arnold, February 15, 2010

No one paid me to snag this quote. Since a quote is semi-scholarly, I will report this lack of compensation to the fine folks at the Library of Congress.


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