Someone Said It, Facebook Is a Problem for Google

February 18, 2010

I react to what I see in the open source information flow. I was quite happy to read “Don’t Count Out Facebook as a Competitor to Google.” Google managed to match Facebook’s disjointed approach to user privacy. Neither company is the Olga Yosifovna Preobrazhenskaya (darn good Russian dancer) of social media. Nevertheless, these two companies with their skill in the Plexico Burris Method continue to chase one another. Shooting oneself with regards to privacy could be fatal I suppose. Facebook with its wounds is hounding the Google.

Web Pro News wrote:

Facebook has surpassed Yahoo as the #2 site online in the U.S. in terms of unique visitors, just under Google. In December, according to Compete, Facebook’s unique visitors in the U.S. had increased by over 121%. That’s pretty incredible, because I seem to recall Facebook being pretty popular in late 2008 too.

The Google is chasing some big fish, but I think Facebook might be one of those creatures from the depths of the demographic ocean. Gmail’s Buzz might not be the net to catch the Facebook beasties. Facebook’s search is not too spiffy, but it has users and keeps getting more.

Stephen E Arnold, February 18, 2010

No one paid me to write this article. Because I mention the deep sea, I think I must report fishing without a catch to NOAA.


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