Search Wars

March 1, 2010

I really enjoyed the eWeek article “Microsoft Says IT Told DOJ, EC How Google Holds Search Hostage.” I did not think I would find Microsoft, after 11 years of silence, becoming so forthcoming in expressing its view about Google.

Google is no start up, and I think that after 11 years, the sudden escalation toward Google might be a wee bit too late. But when lawyers are involved, one never knows, does one.

There are some great quotes in this article as well. I am sorely tempted to chop out each as a Quote to Note, but you need to navigate to the original story and enjoy each in context.

I quite like the monopolist complaining about another monopolist. Also enjoyable is the idea that Google’s algorithms are not learning as much as Bing’s algorithms. The reason? Google relies on lots of data to inform its algorithms. When I read this, I understand that Microsoft has less data and, therefore, must work its mathematics harder to deliver comparable results. As I have pointed out in my 2005 The Google Legacy, still germane after five years I might add, Google’s efficiency gives it a cost advantage. For Microsoft to catch up, Microsoft must spend more money. At some point, which appears to have been reached, money won’t do the job.

I think the eWeek article is evidence that Microsoft’s accountants have finally figured out that the company cannot spend enough to close the gap. Enter the lawyers. With legal eagles on the job, Microsoft may have a chance.

Stephen E Arnold, March 1, 2010

No one paid me to write this. I mentioned lawyers, so I will report non payment to the Department of Justice, where not getting paid is not too popular.


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