Surprising Non Endorsement of SharePoint from SharePoint Expert

March 2, 2010

I had to chuckle at this comment in a SharePoint expert’s SharePoint blog and its write up “What Has Been, What Is Now, and What Is Coming!. The context is that the expert is starting a new blog. Here’s the relevant passage:

One last thing… you gotta check out our new site!  Dustin Miller and I collaborated on creating a new SharePoint Bootcamp site that uses WordPress as a content management solution (what, no SharePoint?  Yes… we don’t use SharePoint for the sake of using it.  I believe in honest assessment of which tool is the best for your needs). The design and CMS system is one thing, but the bigger thing is the ease of access to information.  Subscribe to our RSS feed or iCal for the course schedule, and check out our courses by track, product and audience.

Yep, experts who don’t use the product which is their expertise. Interesting but part of the azure chip approach I opine.

Stephen E Arnold, March 2, 2010

No one paid me to write this. I will report logic of such illogical behavior to NASA which wishes to go to Mars. Bake sale to raise money?


2 Responses to “Surprising Non Endorsement of SharePoint from SharePoint Expert”

  1. Steve Goulet on March 2nd, 2010 11:18 am

    Simlarly, you are a Google expert and you don’t use a product that is within the scope of your expertise (Blogger). Your site is using WordPress too, correct?

    We SharePoint consultants have plenty of room in our hearts for great technologies like WordPress. I would not recommend using SharePoint for a public facing blog unless requirements pointed toward back end integration (like Active Directory and Publishing/Approval workflows). I would then need to reduce expectations for such a customer. SharePoint 2010 may bring better news on that front, but I am not seeing much progress so far.

  2. Heather Solomon on March 5th, 2010 1:49 pm

    Thanks for reading my post! SharePoint is a tool, not a lifestyle. 😉

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