Lexalytics Pushes toward PR Nirvana

March 6, 2010

I am easily confused when I read about “market intelligence”. I think this is different from “business intelligence” and “competitive intelligence.” I can’t put my finger on the exact meanings of these phrases. I read “Top Market Intelligence Companies Turn to Lexalytics for Powerful Sentiment Analysis” and I believe that “market intelligence” alludes to what customers and observers say in Web logs and other media. Figuring out if customers are happy or sad is important. I recall hearing a presentation by ClearForest about the importance of processing warranty information. In addition to cost savings, potentially dangerous problems with vehicles could, in certain circumstances, be identified from streams of information.

The Lexalytics’ spin on “market intelligence” hooks into text analysis and social media monitoring. The firm has two new projects. One is with a firm called Cymfony. I am not sure how Cymfony connects with people who have influence over others, but I accept the assertion “executive accolades” at face value. The second project is a license deal with Vocus. In both projects, Lexalytics will provide text analysis. Lexalytics is part of Infonics, UK based firm.

Search and content processing vendors are packaging their indexing and retrieval technology in many different ways. Sentiment analysis has been given a boost with the growing interest in monitoring real time streams of content.

Will niche plays generate enough cash to keep the many competitors in search and content processing afloat? With the high cost of sales, companies like Lexalytics will be among the first to provide real life case evidence about the strategy.

Public relations companies have been among the service sectors hit in the nose by the soft economy. The trajectory of these tie ups will be fascinating to watch.

Stephen E Arnold, March 6, 2010

No one paid me to write this short item. Because Lexalytics is part of a UK company as a result of a no-cash transaction, I am not sure which US authority requires me to report non compensation. Perhaps the Council on Foreign Affairs? I will give it a whirl.


One Response to “Lexalytics Pushes toward PR Nirvana”

  1. Christine Sierra on March 8th, 2010 10:54 am


    I hope this finds you well. I just wanted to drop you a quick note in regards to the press release you referenced in this blog post. Interestingly, and I’m not familiar with that wire service, but the release they posted is from Sept 22, 2008 so we have been working successfully with both Cymfony and Vocus for some time now.

    I noticed they re-posted another aged release of ours this morning, as if it was new information. I just thought you may want to be aware that Hao-Ondla doesn’t seem to be referencing the correct post dates.

    Best Regards,

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