Microsoft and a Slow Recovery

March 7, 2010

I attended a conference last week and quite a few people in the information sector indicated to me that 2010 looked pretty good. Okay, nine weeks into the new year and “pretty good”. Then I read’s “Microsoft COO Kevin Turner Predicts Slow Recovery.” Microsoft is somewhat optimistic, but the word “slow” is either a conservative spin on the Windows 7 cash bonanza or a hedge. For me, the most interesting comment in the article was:

In his speech, Turner said it was “time to get back to business” after what Microsoft has repeatedly called an economic reset, rather than just a recession from which the world economy would simply recover. He said Microsoft’s own spending would not return to previous levels in many areas after cost cuts, but Microsoft was at the same time increasing research and development spending to a record $9.5 billion this year, more than any company.

Seems reasonable. I suppose the realignment of the Microsoft Fast search project is part of the cost cuts.

Stephen E Arnold, March 7, 2010

No one paid me to write this. With my reference to cost cuts, I will report my unpaid status to the Office of Management & Budget.


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