Vivisimo Rivets Social Search Deal

March 10, 2010

Vivisimo and its Velocity Enterprise Search Platform is versatile. I read “Vivisimo Powers Social Search for the Industrial Research Institute” and learned more about the Velocity social search capabilities.

IRI is “a leading research organization representing industrial and service companies that have a common interest in technological innovation and invest billions on research and development annually.” IRI wants to maximize the value of social media for its lead generation activities.

According to the new story:

…Members are able to use the search interface as a single collaboration point, fostering knowledge sharing among users and optimizing information…RI members using Velocity are utilizing a rich set of discovery, personalization and collaboration functionality, empowering them with greater control over their search experience.  Rather than just being able to search and find information, users can tag, rate and annotate documents and search terms to optimize future results all aimed at improving collaboration, innovation and productivity.

Approximately 1,000 IRI members will use the new search service.

My definition of social search is more narrow than that presented in the news story. The idea that search is a collaboration tool because a user can add a tag is more in the Microsoft SharePoint approach to information management. If you want more information, point your browser to Vivisimo’s Web site.

Stephen E Arnold, March 10, 2010

No one paid me to write this article. I will report non payment to the social secretary for the White House and if the position is not yet filled, I will report when the new person is on the job and screening invitation lists.


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