BA-Insight: New Angle on Lead Generation

March 13, 2010

The Microsoft Fast search road show was in New York this week. I stayed in rural Kentucky watching the acid run off trickle into my goose pond. I took time out from this strenuous activity to read “BA-Insight Announces New Direct Access to Free Information and Resources for SharePoint Search and Fast.”

BA-Insight develops software, including Longitude which “helps people find an analyze relevant information across the entire enterprise independently of format or location.” The firm’s Web site has been revamped and features “an enhanced support portal and new free resource library specially designed for enterprise evaluating SharePoint or Fast Search or engaging in SharePoint or Fast Search deployments, including Fast ESP.”

I took a look at the site. The splash page is below, but you will see different graphics because the rectangular area features a slide show of information.



You can download white papers, get inks to videos, and access the company’s Web logs. One of the documents is the Microsoft Enterprise Search 2010 Roadmap. When I clicked on that link, I saw another link and the icon labeled premium shown below.

bainsight premium

In order to access that document, I was given an option to fill in a form with my name, title, organization, phone, email, and interests. The angle seems to be that to get this document, one must go through a vendor like BA-Insight.

One of the goslings filled in the form and the road map is a single page that explains Microsoft’s five search technologies and lists the capabilities, repository indexing, and manageability features of each product. Interesting stuff.

Here’s one snippet of the roadmap, which is more of a table than a map in my opinion:

bainsight snippet

Interesting stuff. Particularly with regard to scaling, I wonder if organizations will have the appetite for this type of hardware footprint on site. Will enterprise Fast ESP work from the cloud? © Microsoft 2010.

Several questions:

  • Will more search vendors shift into education or missionary marketing mode to move their systems?
  • In today’s financial climate, will the portal approach supplant the more traditional features-benefit type of marketing that characterizes some search vendors’ Web sites?
  • Has the complexity of the product offering broken the back of the adage “KISS” for business oriented communications?

I will watch to see if other vendors embrace the educational portal approach to sales and lead generation. The addled goose just makes information available via a blog, assuming that content with an edge will generate inquiries. Perhaps once again I am wrong?

Stephen E Arnold, March 13, 2010

No one paid me to write this short article. Because of the references to Microsoft and its five search options, I will report non payment to the Department of Defense, an organization with an interest in Microsoft’s technology.


One Response to “BA-Insight: New Angle on Lead Generation”

  1. Compost Tumbler? | Best Compost Tumbler on March 13th, 2010 5:32 pm

    […] BA-Insight: New Angle on Lead Generation : Beyond Search […]

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