More XML Expertise to Google

March 16, 2010

According to ZDNet, Tim Bray, founder of OpenText and collaborator with Ramanathan Guha on things XML, is now a Googler. The story “Ex-Sun Director Bray Joins Google’s Android Team” notes that Mr. Bray will work on the Android. The addled goose wants to point out that there are some big semantic Web guns in the Google arsenal now. Is Google becoming the big gun in the semantic Web or just the semantic Web?

Stephen E Arnold, March 16, 2010

Nope, a free one. No one paid me to reference semantic weapons. I will report this free write up to the FCC.


One Response to “More XML Expertise to Google”

  1. Irs Tax Debt Settlement Help | How To Reduce Irs Tax Debt on March 16th, 2010 10:41 am

    […] More XML Expertise to Google : Beyond Search […]

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