Autonomy and Customer Relationship Management

March 21, 2010

I learned when I read “Autonomy Delivers the First Meaning-Based Multichannel Customer Interaction Analytics Application” that:

  1. Autonomy was at the Gartner Customer Relationship Management Summit. (Gartner is, like Ovum, an azure chip consultant with aspirations to define the information technology world. I believe everything both firms output too. Well, almost, I suppose.)
  2. Autonomy is a player in customer relationship management.

According to the write up:

Autonomy Explore gives businesses a much more insightful and valuable view of their customers. For instance, the same customer that submitted a complaint to the contact center, searched for products on the company’s Web properties, and then commented about the company on Twitter, may have expressed different levels of satisfaction and used different terms through each channel. Autonomy Explore detects the evolving sentiment of that customer by analyzing the concepts and patterns communicated across each touch point, in order to more effectively engage with that customer as well as other customers from the same segment.

The Autonomy system includes a range of functions, including concept understanding and automated reporting and workflow. For more information, navigate to

Stephen E Arnold, March 19, 2010

An unpaid write up. I  will report this to the agency with the best customer support in the Federal government, the Office of Citizen Services.


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