Exclusive Interview with the Founder of Hot Neuron

March 23, 2010

What happens when a theoretical physicist focuses his attention on the problems of content processing? One answer is the Hot Neuron technology. Dr. Bill Dimm, after a successful career in physics and finance, founded Hot Neuron to “develop innovative methods and algorithms that help people find and organize information that will make their companies more productive.”

In an exclusive interview for the ArnoldIT.com feature Search Wizards Speak, Dr. Dimm said:

Clustify analyzes the text of your documents and groups related documents together into clusters. Each cluster is labeled with a few keywords to tell you what it is about, providing an overview of what the document set is about, and allowing you to browse the clusters by keyword in a a hierarchical fashion. The aim is to help the user more efficiently and consistently categorize documents, since he or she can categorize an entire cluster or a whole group of clusters with a single mouse click. Our approach to forming clusters is impacted by that goal. We use a modified agglomerative algorithm to ensure that the most similar documents get clustered together, and we allow the user to specify how similar documents must be in order to appear in the same cluster. By choosing a high similarity cutoff, the user can be confident that it is safe to categorize all documents in the cluster the same way. Clustify can also do automatic categorization by taking documents that have already been categorized, finding similar documents, and putting them in the same categories.

I asked Dr. Dimm about the intense competition in the text processing sector. He said:

For companies that do original research and adapt their products to their customers’ needs (like us, of course), there is a fair amount of opportunity for differentiation–customers really need to try the products and see what works in their situation. The companies that just pull an algorithm out of a book or mimic another product will be left competing on price.

You can see the technology in action at Dr. Dimm’s MagPortal.com site. For the full text of this exclusive interview with an innovative thinker in information retrieval, read the full text of  Hot Neuron interview. For more information, visit http://www.hotneuron.com.

Stephen E Arnold, March 23, 2010

A free write up and a free article. I will report this “free” stuff to the Department of Labor. I know the DOJ will care.


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