Exorbyte and Sell By Search
April 5, 2010
I read the German language article “Die Suche von Morgen: Exorbyte startet mit SellBySearch eine intelligente Suche für Online-Shops” on the Online Press Web site and learned about a new Exorbyte initiative, Sell By Search.
The idea is that the Exorbyte structured search system is available as a hosted solution. The buzzword fans will recognize this as a cloud-computing service. According to the write up, the solution is competitively priced and makes it easy for online merchants to provide site visitors with a powerful search solution. Response time is measured in milliseconds. The new service also includes detailed statistics on the search behavior of their customers, from the most frequently requested items to search trends.
If you are not familiar with Exorbyte, you can read an interview with one of the firm’s founders in the ArnoldIT.com Search Wizards Speak interviews. Click here to read the interview with Exorbyte’s founder, Benno Nieswand. You can get additional information about the company from its Web site at http://www.exorbyte.com/.
Stephen E Arnold, April 5, 2010
No one paid me to write this.