Quote to Note: Open and Closed or Sort Of

May 1, 2010

Quote to note: This statement reported in the New York Times, paper edition, please, appeared in the story titled “Apple’s Chief Makes the Case Against Flash”, page B 4. A true keeper in my opinion.

Jeffrey Hammond, principal analyst with Forrester Research, which covers the technology industry, said both Apple and Adobe “are closed to some extent.”

“Some extent”. I wonder how the iPhone, iPad, and iTouch would define “some extent.” I wonder how those who want to fiddle with some of Adobe’s software would emend the “some extent”? I am delighted I am not longer in the consulting game, blue chip style. I don’t have to deal with these laser-like comments that illuminate complex issues. Back to the Derby festivities and the yellow green water in the goose pond. “Some extent”. Amazing.

Stephen E Arnold, April 30, 2010

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