The Future of Search Revealed, Well, One Viewpoint Revealed

May 15, 2010

I heard a lecture that asserted mobile search was chugging along. If my behavior is an indication, the chugging is pony slow. I rarely use the geo-location functions in my alleged smartphone. The darn thing needs help getting a signal and keeping it. Fancy stuff does not work too well paddling in the goose pond. I read “Mobile and Location Fueling the Design of Future Search” and wondered where I had to live to take advantage of this particular future. My conclusion? I don’t care. I realize that at my advanced age, many whizzy trends swirl around me. I ignore them. For me, this passage riffled my goose feathers: “Mobile is fueling innovation in a way that perhaps hasn’t been seen before.” Well, maybe. I am not sure how “location” will do much for the hapless paralegal looking for an email or the 30 something manager desperate for a client record in order to make a sale and earn the commission to pay the mortgage. Pinning the future on mobile makes a great headline, but it doesn’t address some of the search challenges I encounter.

Stephen E Arnold, May 15, 2010



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