Google Spams the Goose

June 7, 2010

Short honk: I don’t write Google but Google writes me. Today I received a flock of messages enjoining me to use Picasa. No, thanks. I don’t do lots of pictures. I also am not interested in meeting new friends regardless of age, religion, race or sexual orientation. I am attracted to males who enjoy sitting quietly next to the goose pond coding and getting work done on time. This person whom Google wants me to know digitally does nothing for me:


If you are this person, please, let me know why Google thinks I need two sets of four pictures of you. Here in Harrod’s Creek, I thought I saw a person who looked a bit like you. You were in the local health club and I wondered if you were okay with my snapping your picture. It is not on Picasa, but here it is:

tattoo body 2 copy copy

The Wall Street Journal was spamming me but Mr. Murdoch apparently grew weary of my publishing the conflicting prices he offered me to buy a second subscription. My real friends are not in Math Club. 🙂

Stephen E Arnold, June 7, 2010

Freebie. I like those tats, dude. Cool.


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