The UX Crowd Does Harvey the Rabbit

June 9, 2010

I like the blinking dot interface. The 20 somethings poke with fingers. Sigh. The user experience chatter goes unheard by me. I find the cartoons, the mini motion pictures, and cluttered “assisted navigational aids” annoying. The future of interfaces is certainly less cluttered. Point your browser  at “‘Imaginary’ Interface Could Replace Real Thing.” And, for a bonus, you get the “real thing”, a phrase much loved by some azure chip poobahs. The point of the write up is that the interface is – well – imaginary. For me, the key passage was:

Researchers are experimenting with a new interface system for mobile devices that could replace the screen and even the keyboard with gestures supported by our visual memory.

I have a gesture in mind.

Stephen E Arnold, June 9, 2010



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