Is Vivisimo Preparing for an IPO, Maybe to Be Acquired?
June 11, 2010
Short honk: I learned something interesting in the wake of the Exalead deal. (Watch for my take on the purchase of this search based applications company on June 14, 2010. I will let the azure chip crowd beaver away for now.) Navigate to “Vivisimo Boosts Management Team with Addition of Patrick Williams, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Americas.”My take on this story is that none of the newer executives, include Mr Williams, is into search. The management team wants to find a way to convert Vivisimo into a pay day. There are a number of outfits looking for a way to end their search woes. And there are lots and lots of companies for sale. So what will happen? Not much for a while but the ice shelf may crack next spring.
Stephen E Arnold, June 11, 2010