The UK and Information Technology

June 13, 2010

Let’s face it. Law enforcement is not exactly the cocktail party chatter than brings smiles to faces. The problem is that money is short. This means that staffing is constrained but management may be an issue. To get an idea of the problems the lousy economic climate creates for law enforcement agencies, take a look at “Clunky’ IT Systems Hamper Police Work.” The write up said:

National police IT systems are hampered by the insularity of individual police forces and the desire of chief information officers (CIOs) to protect their turf, argued Berry. “One of the biggest problems is the vested interests of CIOs,” she said. “Forces agree on national standards, then go away and do their own thing.”

What can search and content processing vendors do to help the UK and other enforcement entities. One idea is to explain how “umbrella” systems can integrate separate systems. Entities can do their own thing, but the tools and methods to create a “360 degree view” are now available. Is this an educational issue? Is it a political issue? Is it a result of well known vendors going for the low hanging fruit?

The situation is not unique to the UK and I see the problem spreading. Just my opinion.

Stephen E Arnold, June 13, 2010



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