Google and the Wi Fi Mess

June 24, 2010

I have been trying to avoid writing any more about the Wi Fi harvesting mess. I am working on my for fee columns, and I am avoiding legal hassles. I feel obligated to document that although I am ignoring the dust up, others are not. I read in PCWorld “Google Under Multistate Privacy Microscope: How We Got Here” that now there is an alleged mutli state investigation gaining steam. That’s a big deal in my opinion. I am going to have to insert a reference in my columns to the issue. The problem continues to grow and seems to have taken on a life of its own. Here’s the passage in the PCWorld write up that caught my attention:

Google’s Wi-Fi data snooping brouhaha just got worse. Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal on Monday announced his office is leading a multistate investigation into Google’s Wi-Fi data snooping gaffe. More than thirty U.S. states have already indicated interest in Blumenthal’s investigation.

With Google pushing aggressively into the enterprise, challenging Apple and Microsoft, and expanding its presence in mobile computing, this Wi Fi mess strikes me as Google’s oil spill. Instead of sea turtles, how many deals will die? As this Wi Fi spill spreads to multiple countries and now states in America, I thought about those Greek tragedies. I never understood how those at the top could find themselves in circumstances beyond their control.

Ah, lives of men! When prosperous they glitter – Like a fair picture; when misfortune comes – A wet sponge at one blow has blurred the painting. – Aeschylus

Remarkable turn of events.

Stephen E Arnold, June 24, 2010


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