What Makes a Blue Chip Outfit? Maybe People?

June 26, 2010

Short honk: Easy to answer. Navigate to Business Week, the $5 million magazine. Skip Associated Content, the $90 million info machine. Read “Google, McKinsey, Goldman Tops with MBAs.” The top students at Kobe beef raising grad schools get herded to Google, McKinsey, and Goldman. What happens to those folks not in this elite segment of each business school class? I am not sure. Maybe some folks work at BP or in a municipal government office in Brooklyn? For me, the most interesting comment in Business Week’s story was:

Google was favored by nearly 1 out of 4 MBAs, with McKinsey a distant second at 15%. Three investment banks (JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley, plus Goldman) made the top 15, while three others (Bank of America, Credit Suisse, and Barclays Capital) made the top 25. With MBAs searching high and low for jobs during the recession, there were shake-ups throughout the list. Johnson and Johnson, Nestle, and Unilever all moved up in the rankings. And shifting priorities brought a few newcomers in to the ranking, including Teach for America.

The best students from the top schools go to the blue chip firms. What happens when Google hires more MBAs than engineers? I can’t imagine.

Stephen E Arnold, June 26, 2010



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