Google from Won to Can Win

July 2, 2010

Nope, I am not writing about Google and China. Tired that about face, iterative approach to governments with armies, secret agencies, and weaponized bureacracies. Silly.

I want to point to the article “From Search to Share: How Google Can Win in the Social Age” which highlights the change in Google’s fortunes. It is heretical to suggest that a company that kicked Viacom to the curb, trampled hapless Yahoo, and driven Microsoft into a state of apoplexy could fail. But failure is the point of the “From Search to Share.” Google dominates search. Google is not repeating its previous success with social content. The article from Smart Data Collective said:

But Google’s revenue model is under threat in the age of Social Media. Facebook recently surpassed Google in the US to become the most visited website… But this strategy of indexing web content and displaying most relevant search results will no longer work in Social Age as users rely more on Social Media channels and less on search engines to get relevant information. Google should shift its strategy from Search to Share, to continue its dominance in the Social Age as people are more likely to pay attention to content from those they trust rather than ones suggested by search engines.

When I completed work on Google Version 2.0, there were early signals of some diffusion. Google was moving slowly with some of the innovations I summarized in that monograph. The company’s context server is one example. In 2007, Facebook was growing but certainly was not a big deal in comparison with the Google revenues.

Today, Google is a company described with the phrase “How Google Can Win.” I must admit I have been surprised that Google seems to have caught Microsoftitus. I don’t think it is fatal, but Facebook at this time seems to be like one of those healthy, happy people carting bodies from central London during the Black Death.

Stephen E Arnold, July 2, 2010



One Response to “Google from Won to Can Win”

  1. sperky undernet on July 2nd, 2010 7:21 am

    If you’re outside the US, you’ll see a message in the link mentioned in the abobe blog post that Hulu won’t stream the video “Inside the Mind of Google” – so find it on YouTube, example here:

    It contains an excellent spread on how top niche craftpersons in far way places can use Google Ads to drum up business.

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