Digital Info Death Ray

July 11, 2010

Traditional Web sites are wounded; many are in peril, starved for traffic. Not even the huffing and puffing search engine optimization gangs can pump up these deflating properties. But the digital death ray is affecting some giants in electronic dissemination as well.

It seems that the Associated Press ( yes, those are the newspaper people ) are getting ready to take on bloggers in some kind of strange cyber battle over the blogs allegedly siphoning traffic away from the paper editions of what’s called ‘hot news.’

In a move that really seems like the terrible trashing around of some dinosaur that’s become panicked by a new faster and more streamlined and immediate species, it’s alleged Dean Singleton ,chair of the Associated Press, has orchestrated a cease and desist order against a Colorado blog for quoting parts of relevant news stories that first appeared in print. This all from

At the center of the legal stand is the argument that if the site only provides a few clicks, they have no fair use of First Amendment rights. Interesting premise no doubt and it’s important to remember that the argument centers on the infringements to other Associate Press websites.

Still, wouldn’t it be easier to turn that boat around and go with the inexorable current?

Rob Starr, July 11, 2010



One Response to “Digital Info Death Ray”

  1. Parker on July 27th, 2010 1:34 pm

    What we need to do is get people interested in a cool subject matter that everybody can interact with in different ways. For me, this is Philosophy-Univocity-Mathematics. I think people could get more and more interested in this topic as it begins to effect technology across the globe.

    I have a system of beautiful equations that, if people were interested in, could act as tags, and one could search for images with an image. There are plenty of new ideas out there, and just because big companies have the upper hand does not mean that they have the new, inventive ideas. So long as they respect information intellectual property, the little guys will still have a chance so long as I am blogging.

    See and contact me at if you are interested in collaborating on any media projects to generate interest in univocal mathematics/philosophy/perception and augmented reality.

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