Gvoernment Scrapping Sites: Are Traditional Web Methods Dead?

July 13, 2010

What more proof does the average consumer and business person need that the traditional website is antiquated and doesn’t generate the leads and traffic you need than the story in computing.co.uk that appeared recently about the government scrapping websites?

They plan on doing away with 75% of their more than 800 websites. The problems uncovered seem to be in three areas:

  • Cost
  • Usage
  • Resource sharing

It’s clear that a better way is needed. A more cost efficient way to reach the people you want to. The Arnold IT way. Find everything that you need with social networking and the Beyond Search Team. Build your brand, generate leads and/or create a community.

When the UK government starts to worry websites aren’t working, something is wrong. When the government starts scrapping Web sites, is this a signal that new methods of communicating are needed? Is the Google era winding down?

Rob Starr, July 13, 2010



One Response to “Gvoernment Scrapping Sites: Are Traditional Web Methods Dead?”

  1. Charlie on July 13th, 2010 4:32 am

    Since we appear to have run out of money the government are looking to cut costs in many areas – some of these websites have cost *over a hundred million pounds* to build. Yes, you read that right. http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/thereporters/rorycellanjones/2010/07/the_105m_website.html

    There are other ways they could save of course – moving to open source would help:

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