Big Surprise Department: Free Is Popular

July 22, 2010

It turns out that a paywall was a bad idea for Almost three weeks after they decided to get a little saucy and charge for their online content, web traffic has plummeted. Sounds a little like an attempt to get blood from a stone when there are so many other free places to get your news.

When all the calculations were exposed in Times loses almost 90% of online readership, the numbers work out to a loss of about 90% of the people who first stopped at the site. The recent totals also work out to just 16% of the pre registration numbers.

Maybe this is about trying to get apiece of cake from a bankrupt bakery. Maybe in a bigger sense it’s about the fact that people like free online stuff only. Either way, the times needs to stop charging.

Rob Starr, July 22, 2010


One Response to “Big Surprise Department: Free Is Popular”

  1. Martin Griffies on July 22nd, 2010 6:01 am

    From the Times point of view, surely 10% of the previous numbers but all paying for content is better than just giving the content away?

    The payment model is clever, too, with a very cheap first month sign-up followed by a more expensive weekly figure that is only equivalent to 2 days’ of the paper version. That’s still £100 / $150 per year, not to be sniffed at if the numbers grow.

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