Index Engines Polishes Platform

July 23, 2010

Index Engines recently announced they’ve made enhancements to their 3.2 platform that will better the system to allow for indexing of multiple streams of data from backup tapes. A significantly larger amount of tape data can be processed with these new developments in tight time frames.

Up to six streams of data can be processed now at a speed of one terabyte per hour. The process can save a company millions in storage costs and the stockpiling of these tapes can be a liability according to a company spokesman. We did not test the new system, so you may want to run some benchmarks on your own before whipping out your American Express Platinum card.

This is, according to Index Engines, the only product of its type on the market that directly indexes stored data. Index Engines is involved with enterprise discovery solutions. The company was founded in 2003 and their mission is to organize enterprise data assets, making them immediately accessible, searchable and easy to manage.

Rob Starr, July 23, 2010


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