Is Buzz a Buzz Saw?
July 24, 2010
Buzz came out of the starting gate and stumbled. Google regrouped, but the goslings in the mine run off pond remain confused about Buzz, Wave, and the forthcoming social service from Google.
Confusion aside Google Buzz seems to be moving forward again and at least according to and picking up some momentum. (See Google Buzz Firehose now available.) The reason? Google is opening up Buzz to developers; they really warmed to the Buzz API that was introduced. So the question is, is this what was needed to put the real buzz in Buzz?
With a free Firehose API that’s being offered it’s possible the Google Buzz people can start making some interesting apps here. There can’t be any mistake about what Google is really trying to do with Buzz and after a slow start they might just be set to get the social traction they are looking for.
When they first pulled the plug on the Google Search API, they opened the door for Twitter, but now that trend just might be reversing.
Rob Starr, July 24, 2010