Send Your RSS feeds in Global Languages
September 1, 2010
Now the non-English speaking natives can get the RSS feeds in their own language. The recent news “RSS Feed Translation for Bloggers and Social Networking Firms” informs that the Toronto-based YYZ Translations will make available RSS feeds, translating them into 80 languages.
According to the article, the company claims about its translations, “will be more accurate, culturally correct and contextually to the point than those executed by automated machine translation systems like Google Translate”. This facility will help weblogs, RSS feed publishers, and the other social media platforms reach to a wider international audience.
This useful service will use a combination of digital technology and human translators to make the RSS feeds as powerful and accurate as the source message, after undergoing a qualitative control process of translation, editing, and review. The concept is interesting, and worth a look. The goslings see an opportunity to disseminate information is interesting ways.
Leena Singh, September 1, 2010