Groklaw Oracle Post Highlights a Battle Royal

September 6, 2010

Thump. Thump. Thump. That’s the sound of the legal eagles marshaled for an aerial assault on the Googleplex.

The case of Oracle America vs. Google is not going away and becoming a TruTV reality show preview for the IT industry. First off, Oracle has renamed Sun Microsystems as Oracle America. Now, Oracle America is alleging infringement on their patents by Google. The case is dissected in’s article titled “Oracle America’s Complaint Against Google, As Text.” The text of the Oracle complaint against Google can be found here. The article summarizes that the plaintiff, Sun/Oracle America, is filing suit for patent and copyright infringement of Oracle’s properties, which include Sun’s Java platform. The article says that the language of the complaint is “strong” and “it’s language that indicates Oracle is going for treble damages” and it also means they “likely have something quite fact-based and specific in mind that they think can be pinned on Google.”

Now, that’s an understatement. Google hired away some Oracle Java engineers so you can bet your bottom dollar Google had knowledge of Java. Interestingly, the article also quotes Java creator James Gosling as saying that Oracle’s lawsuit was filed “only after the failure of protracted technology licensing negotiations with Google that began long before Sun sold itself to Oracle…”

The series begins this fall. Live. 3D. Available on a mobile device running Java or a clean room version thereof.

Stephen E Arnold, September 6, 2010



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