Reports Maestro

October 1, 2010

In the last few days, I have had several conversations about converting outputs of search systems into reports. There are high-end systems like Megaputer’s and then carrier-class systems from outfits like IBM SPSS and SAS. As we talked with people about tools, we learned about a Web report and chart builder that is quite interesting.


Display of chart types available.

The write up about the program in LearnXpress said:

With ReportsMaestro, no coding is required to convert those huge amounts of data into the interactive, professional-looking charts. The smart solution provides Web Charts Builder with 15+ chart types and styles, from popular pie and bar charts to sophisticated 3D diagrams. It also offers Query Builder to enhance the look of your database joining tables, grouping, sorting and filtering data.

You can work through an online demo and then, if it seems useful, buy it online. What’s appealing about the product is that it costs about $80. We use a tool from Swiff Chart in France. For those confused by Google Fusion, ReportsMaestro may be worth a look.

Stephen E Arnold, October 1, 2010



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