Content Conversion: A Subset of Connectors

October 4, 2010

There is certainly some excitement in the technical backwater of content conversion. I wrote a post for someone’s blog about the legal matter involving and You can do some poking around on this issue or wait until my Information Today column on the subject becomes available.

Over the years, I have had to take content from System A and convert it to a type of content or form of content that System B could process. I wanted to call attention to two outfits who provide these services.

The first is an outfit on Long Island that we used at Ziff Communications lo those many moons ago. The company is called Data Conversion Labs. I visited the firm a couple of times and sat through some demos. The take away for me was these folks can do the System A to System B work quite well. You can read about this company at

The second is an outfit one of my UK clients used. Stilo does the A to B think, and its output worked well as memory serves me. Stilo has added an on demand service, which I thought was quite nifty.

Why do I mention these two companies? I think there is a mid tier consulting firm and a search vendor suggesting that file conversion is some sort of cabal. In fact, file conversion is widely available from lots of people. The suggestion that file conversion is anything other than a widespread service, available from vendors throughout the world is just plain wrong. Marketing is one thing. Ignoring the vendors who perform conversion, code custom filters, and perform transformation on premises, via appliances, or using proprietary methods is one more example of search marketing distortion.

Ah, young people. So eager to become important and hit their numbers.

Stephen E Arnold, October 4, 2010



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