Microsoft Suggests Google Instant Is No Big Deal

October 7, 2010

Microsoft and Google have never hidden their competiveness when it comes to trying to outdo one another. In the PC World article “Microsoft’s Yusuf Mehdi Pooh-Poohs Google Instant”, one of Microsoft’s VP’s discusses Google’s new instant feature. The new feature is designed to refresh users search results while they are typing their queries and describes the program as “search before you type”. Microsoft’s response to the new system is “Google Instant is technologically “impressive” but misses the mark in what search engines should do.” Microsoft contends that the service, though fast, misses the mark because it does not help users to narrow down the information they are looking for. Microsoft promises its Bing service will continue to focus more on providing users with more of the information that they want. It is convenient to get quick results but if the results are not helpful then the speed factor is really of little importance. Our view is that most users won’t know how to turn it off, so for casual consumers, Google Instant is the new Google.

April Holmes, October 7, 2010


One Response to “Microsoft Suggests Google Instant Is No Big Deal”

  1. Kimberlee Morrison on October 7th, 2010 5:44 pm

    “It is convenient to get quick results but if the results are not helpful then the speed factor is really of little importance.”

    So true. BTW: How do you turn it off? I just started using Bing as my default search engine. Problem solved.

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