Autonomy Spins Another Rich Media Deal

October 8, 2010

Searching radio content based on its meaning alone is indeed unique. That’s how semantics is rapidly transforming the traditional search. The Wallstreet press release “Radioplayer Selects Autonomy,” informs about the important task attributed to Autonomy’s core infrastructure software, the Intelligent Data Operating Layer (IDOL), to power the Radioplayer’s search box. Equipped with “unrivalled meaning-based search capabilities, unmatched scalability, and easy maintenance,” as the press release states, “Radioplayer listeners will be able to search every station, identifying news programs, sports highlights, musical genres or even individual songs, and potentially also find a specific place within the program that mentions the topic they are searching for.”

Not only does Radioplayer encourage radio listening, but puts the audience in control and make radio listening easy and accessible. The IDOL search platform will make available rich content across the radio industry through meaningful, relevant search results, and retrieve audio content based on the meaning of key concepts in the live stream. That’s really quick and effortless.

Harleena Singh, Octobr 8, 2010



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