Google TV: Interesting Assessment

October 9, 2010

Short honk: The Google TV is marching to a store near Harrod’s Creek. The 20 somethings are eager. The Sony executives are more than eager. Those folks are hoping a Google Sony tie up will undo the Kutaragi era, the Apple era, and the Samsung era. That’s a lot of eras to remediate. Logitech is on board too. From mouse to big consumer sales. Quite an evolutionary path.

I found the estimable Washington Post’s article “Google Airs More Details about Google TV” quite interesting. Of course, “real journalism” is much better than blog baloney. I recall that the Washington Post once owned and maybe still does own a TV station. This quote resonated:

So it may come down to balancing two different sorts of pain: the ongoing irritation of a dumb and clumsy cable or satellite DVR interface versus the onetime frustration of setting up a Google TV box to control that DVR through an infrared remote-control relay. Which sounds like less fun to you?

I don’t know. Both choices strike me as lousy. I don’t watch much TV unlike my neighbors hanging at the River Creek Inn. Hardly a ringing endorsement for any of the tech titans consumer plays. Maybe Apple is on to something with its tiny, economical box? I will never know. TV. Wasteland for Newton and wasteland for me.

Stephen E Arnold, October 9, 2010



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