Arnold For Fee Columns, November 2010

November 1, 2010

Another month and another round of for fee columns from Harrod’s Creek. Keep in mind that you are reading a free Web log and it conforms to the editorial policy stated on the About page. The for fee columns are closer to “real writing” than the swizzle in this blog. Here’s the line up of topics for what I submitted for November publication. Keep in mind that some of these publishers require my write up two or three months before the article appears in print and on a Web site. For copies of these articles, you will need to hound the publisher, not me. I just write ‘em. I don’t archive work for hire.

  1. For Information Today, “Open Source Search: Revolution or Evolution?”. Open source search and content processing continues to gain strength. There are upsides and downsides, of course.
  2. For Information World Review, “HP, Oracle, and SAP: The Crankies.” Lots of hostility in the pleasant clime of Silicon Valley land. Nasty stuff in my opinion. I explore the motives and risks of big guns shooting at one another.
  3. For KMWorld, “Google Levels Up Its Search Appliance.” In this column I talk about the pricing of the Google Search Appliance, using publicly available data from the US government.
  4. For Smart Business Network, “Google Instant: A Reason to Buy AdWords.” Google’s new search approach is designed, in my opinion, to generate more money for Google.
  5. For Online Magazine (yep, a new customer), “A Bitter Cup of Java: The Oracle-Google Percolation”. This article looks at the uncertainty created by the Oracle assertion that Google allegedly used in an improper manner Oracle’s intellectual property. I have written for this publication before, and I am delighted to be contributing again. In year 2000, I received an award for an article I submitted. Winning an award, however, does not make me a good writer or a journalist. At age 66, I am pretty sure my flaws are non remediateable.

Once again, a suggestion to public relations stallions and fillies. Read the About information for this blog. I sell time, ads, interviews, and stories. Each story points out that it is a freebie or in some way sponsored. Beyond Search does not do news. I write this blog for myself and the fact that some outfit has named Beyond Search one of the top 500 technology blogs means zero to me. The blog is marketing, PR stallions and fillies. If you majored in journalism and wonder why the Courier Journal recycles content instead of hiring local reporters, look in the mirror and ask yourself, “Do I pay for a daily newspaper written by liberal arts majors?” If you are like most informed Web users, you just use online stuff like the baloney in this blog.

Stephen E Arnold, November 1, 2010



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