Alpha Spy for US

November 12, 2010

According to the article “One Spy to Rule Them All: Top Spook Launches Push for Real Power” James Clapper, the director of national intelligence has reach a preliminary agreement with Defense Secretary Robert Gates over the control of $53.1 billion dollars of the intelligence budget. I noted this passage in the write up:

You might think the director of national intelligence actually runs the spy world. But that would make too much sense. In fact, as long as there’s been a “community” of spy agencies, the Defense Department has kept the intelligence budget (now totaling $80.1 billion annually) under the military thumb.

This will allow Clapper the ability to direct funds to spying operations that take priority and deny the funding of unsuccessful projects. This ends up being a win-win situation for all parties involved. Clapper gains monetary control over his domain, Gates doesn’t have to worry about $53.1 billion dollars when he has to cut the defense budget, and the American people are able to see a greater transparency within government functions.

My view. Sigh.

Leslie Radcliff, November 12, 2010



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