Dyve Goes Deeper

November 13, 2010

DeepDyve has expanded the content on its interesting content rental service.

DeepDyve was launched in 2005 as a place for professionals in the fields of science, medicine, social science, humanities and information technology to rent the scholarly materials they wouldn’t have access to otherwise. The company asserts:

DeepDyve is continuing to advance its mission of providing affordable and convenient access to scientific and scholarly research articles for the tens of millions of users who are unaffiliated with a large institution.

In general only professionals who are tied to a large institution are able to use the big research engines that generate the most relevant information; DeepDyve is changing all of that by making available more than 30 million articles from thousands of reputable journals. At $9.99 a month it’s practically a steal and perfect for the start-up or individuals who need to learn more about a particular subject.

Leslie Radcliff, November 13, 2010



One Response to “Dyve Goes Deeper”

  1. Ben Toth on November 13th, 2010 1:59 pm

    Deep Dyve could be great, but isn’t at the moment anyway. In the area I know – biomedicine – it lacks BMJ and Lancet, two of the main international journals. The BMJ archive is freely available online by the way. I registered and did a search for the most prolific researcher I know, who has his name against hundreds of papers. Deep Dyve found 20 papers – less than 10% of his output.

    I wish Deep Dyve was the Spotify of peer reviewed papers, but it isn’t, which is a pity.

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