NLP Download

November 15, 2010

Short honk. Want to explore NLP or natural language processing. The search engine and content processing marketing wizards chatter about NLP as often as telemarketers call me. Frequently, gentle reader. You can snag the software at Sofotex here. The Sofotex description says:

LJParser Nature Language Processing is a middleware by LING-JOIN Software is for natural language understanding and web search. LJParser provides powerful modules including precise search text, new words detection, Chinese word segmentation, language modeling and term translation, text clustering, text categorization, text summarization, keywords extraction and duplication detection, which can download and install on Windows, Linux.

We will fire up this puppy next week, but I am urging the goslings to get in gear.

Stephen E Arnold, November 15, 2010



One Response to “NLP Download”

  1. NLP | The Centre for Artificial Intelligence on December 9th, 2010 9:59 pm

    […] NLP Download ( […]

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