Radicati and Its eDiscovery Quadrant 2010
November 28, 2010
Rating systems are used to determine a product’s quality. When it comes to the eDiscovery market, Fresh News points to a new rating system. The Radicati Group, a technology market research firm based in the UK, recently released their latest publication “eDiscovery-Market Quadrant 2010.” This report focuses on eDiscovery vendors and rates them according to their own self-devised system. “Radicati Market Quadrants rank vendors based on a four quadrant system, which includes “Mature Players,” “Specialists,” “Trail Blazers,” and “Top Players” quadrants. Leading players in each market segment are ranked based on the features and functionality of their solution and their market share in that segment.”The names of the four quadrants leave a lot of room for interpretation. They do not offer any insight into the Radicati Group’s analytic method and what they will be measuring against. A ranking system called the Gartner Magic Quadrant has been in use by the US for several years now. Is it possible the Radicati Group was inspired to create a British counterpart or are they attempting to cash in on a new market? My opinion is that these quadrants are more marketing than meat.
Whitney Grace, November 28, 2010