Leaks Becoming a River

December 16, 2010

Openleaks Set to Rival WikiLeaks for Business” announces that one of WikiLeaks’ former employees is opening a new, rival company.  In sum: “Openleaks will be a ‘service provider for third parties that want to be able to accept material from anonymous sources’ and will be based in Germany.”  The third party aspect makes it distinctive from WikiLeaks since it will be an intermediary and not hosting the information for the public.  As these types of sites increase, governments are finding that the ability to gather electronic information is a two-way street:  it can gather information on citizens, but citizens also can find ways to gather it themselves.  And with the lack of current laws for adequately prosecuting Julian Assange, these kinds of leaks are not likely to be dammed up any time soon.

Alice Wasielewski, December 16, 2010



One Response to “Leaks Becoming a River”

  1. sperky undernet on December 16th, 2010 8:07 am

    Do you think even elance could be a matchmaker and take a commission between a leak and a journalist with an “eleaks” site? Not me. Methinks it is all Julian Assange, rockstar. Neither tradit nor citizen journalists know what to do with the leaks because they’d have to work to connect dots they aren’t seeing. Has anyone run this stuff through the sifter yet?

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