Big Data, CAP, and NoSQL

December 19, 2010

We came across an interesting series of Web write ups about big data. You may know about the CAP theorum. The idea is that is “impossible for a distributed computer system to provide simultaneously” guarantees of “consistency (all nodes see the same data at the same time), availability (node failures do not prevent survivors from continuing to operate), [and] partition Tolerance (the system continues to operate despite arbitrary message loss). For more, read the Wikipedia entry here.

Nati Shalom’s Blog series Part I, II, and III on the CAP theorem postulates that if you are worried about CAP, then maybe you just need to re-define your needs.  Shalom’s general thesis is as follows:

One of the core principals behind the CAP theorem is that you must choose two out of the three CAP properties. In many of the transactional systems giving away consistency is either impossible or yields a huge complexity in the design of those systems. In this series of posts, I’ve tried to suggest a different set of tradeoffs in which we could achieve scalability without compromising on consistency. I also argued that rather than choosing only two out of the three CAP properties we could choose various degrees of all three.

Some useful info to tuck away for future reference and consult before talking to a vendor who is pitching scale and the cloud when you need search or content processing.

Alice Wasielewski, December 19, 2010



One Response to “Big Data, CAP, and NoSQL”

  1. on March 14th, 2011 8:11 am

    Big Data, CAP, and NoSQL…

    We came across an interesting series of Web write ups about big data. You may know about the CAP theorum. The idea is that is “impossible for a distributed computer system to provide simultaneously” guarantees of “consistency (all nodes see the same da…

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