Netvibes Dashboards and Search

December 19, 2010

The San Francisco Gate gives us another story about dashboards: “Introducing Netvibes Dashboard Intelligence Solutions: Business Intelligence Reinvented for the Real-Time Web.” Netvibes has invented the Dashboard Intelligence solution, a dashboard programmed with features, including SmartTagging, to collect, interpret, and organize real time information for businesses. Netvibes’s advertising declares that the dashboard will save time, generate usable, current data, and keep businesses abreast about all social media information. The SmartTagging feature is how most of these actions will be accomplished.

“SmartTagging can capture hidden value generated by an infinite number of everyday work activities. Users won’t need to learn any complex new tools–they will soon be able to simply click and tag anything they access online with their personal sentiment and share their expertise with the entire organization.”

SmartTagging will then distribute this information to other personnel, who then can comment, and their additions will be sent out. This creates a cyclical process, augmented by new, real time information that keeps being fed into the system. I wonder if there will any repeated information or systems will get overloaded. Conclusion: do these dashboards actually make information access easier or harder in your opinion? Or, do dashboard provide a better user experience with the data pre-processed and ready to consume without critical thinking?

Whitney Grace, December 19, 2010



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