Scientists Map the News

December 22, 2010

People have been trying to figure out what makes good news stories and a team of European computer scientists might have found the answer. Red Orbit points us to the article, “Scientists Map What Factors Influence The News Agenda.” The team discovered that if you study a wide range of media outlets for a long period of time, patterns start to emerge. Most of the content that makes it on the news concerns national biases, cultural, geographical, and economic ties between countries.

“The analysis the researchers have conducted could not have been done in the past, due to the sheer scale of the data, but is now possible using automated methods from artificial intelligence because of recent advances in machine translation and text analysis.”

An analysis of the new agenda could prove to have many applications, especially in understanding how people view and use information. It also has the potential to allow scientists to study how media affects the entire globe and discover discernable patterns they normally would never have found.

Whitney Grace, December 22, 2009



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